Would you like to grow in wisdom? I think we would all say yes to that question that we would all love to grow and wisdom and and we need to be growing constantly.
The behaviors will get our attention, but it’s their character that we really desire. Find ways to pleasantly correct, pleasantly direct, and we can be a pleasant parent.
How did you handle it when your child did something foolish? This is not the same as being a fool. A fool is one who does something that is ridiculous, repeatedly.
Do you live in a world of chaos? I’m not talking about the news right now, but I’m talking about your home. We can’t eliminate it, but we can reduce it.
Do you ever feel like giving up and just quitting? We all have felt that way at some point in time. Well, what we need in those times of desperation is a spirit of perseverance.
Does the father have influence in the home? I want to talk to dads, fathers that are in the home with the children and give you ideas and ways that you can increase your influence with them.
Traveling with children can often be a bit of a challenge. These principles that we're going to talk about will apply even to the travel for one day. If you're taking a vacation, we're talking about four things there is the anticipation, participation, expectation and preparation.
The anticipation is sometimes talking to the children, getting their excitement about what you're going to do, where you're going, and helping them to have desire to be a part of the journey.
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Traveling With Children
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PARENTINGPotty Training
It's an expensive nuisance, but putting pressure on the child isn't going to speed the process.